Fit Badgers it’s about helping others. Fit Badgers started in 2021, when two fitness trainers, Andreea and Tudor designed a project that is targeting the mind improvement by training the body and mimicking the way the human animal was living over 200.000 years of evolution.
The way the mind functions is a mirror of the body, so we force the body to strengthen the mind. With those that we train we speak about nutrition, sleep, and the science behind all these. We are trying to force good habits into people’s lives and to attack and eliminate the bad habits one by one. To do this it’s a trip for those who want to train. The trainer is only there to assist, to show the postures for the exercises, to advise on nutrition, sleep, and recovery, and to force the habit of sport because to enforce and keep a habit is usually harder than the workout itself.
We have a theory, that we can only be happy and sane minded by doing what our body is happy to do. We were hunters and gatherers for more than 200.000 years and this set us in a way, a way that cannot be changed in a few thousand years of being more sedentary, more agricultural, and more comfortable. Even the weakest member of a tribe was probably a better athlete than the best in shape fitness influencers we follow on the internet. On a daily basis we were hunting (so we were explosive), we were gathering roots, seeds and fruits (so we had incredible equilibrium to go up in the trees, mobility and also a lot of strength), we were finding good places both for hunting and gathering and we were defending them (so we were incredible fighters, because the resources were the only valuable things), we were hunting by exhausting the wild animals, just by running for hours until they were dropping down dead tired (so we had incredible cardio capacity). After the hunt we were carrying the dead animal back to our cave (so we were power lifting). Like you see in the wild animals are very adapted to their environment and we were also. By the modern way of living, we are not doing any of the things that were thrilling back then, we look only for comfort. Our theory is that we need to mimic all the activity the primitive homo-sapiens was doing and we have the luck to do it safely. We are able to run without being eaten by a bear, to lift weights in a controlled environment, we are able to choose the food we eat in order to eat more like the way our body is adapted to receive foods (more roots, seeds, nuts and meat from time to time, as meat was harder to get as it is nowadays). it’s an educational project, a place where you will find everything you want to know about sport, nutrition, and recovery all around the theory of the happy primitive homo sapiens.
How does it work?
You just need to follow along with the information we put in here or on our social media accounts. There is plenty of data that we documented, data that was validated by scientists and is explaining us with modern tools and methods why it’s better to get back to the roots.
We train people directly for a living, but our strongest will is to create a community of “giving without interest”, of helping others that we cannot train because of the distance. That is why, this platform is free, and we won’t charge a penny for information and education. We want to help! This is the second part of our theory, that helping others will make you happier, so we encourage you to help others as much as you can, without interest and without posting it anyway to feed your ego. Just do good!
The internet has a lot of negative temptations that we fall into. We tend to scroll on useless pages and profiles for hours and hours. Why not use it for becoming better? But the internet it’s also an incredible source of information. We are continuously collecting and structuring the best info out there, and we try to explain it to produce a click inside of you, a start to a journey that will take out from the shadow the best version of yourselves.
We talk sport!
All kind of sporting activity has their purpose. Force training is not only good to build muscle but also for mobility and elasticity if done right. Force training are an incredible treatment for postural problems as well, but also to help you get the correct chemistry in your body. Force training is good especially for women who tend to lose bone density earlier in life than men.
Cardio trainings are also essential as these are the only way to train your heart. Here you will find that is not enough to do just one kind of sport. Here you will find to get out of your comfort zone and do various sports to generally become stronger and happier. Here you will find the links between your sleep, your eating habits, and your daily activities. You will be able to understand and connect more with your bodies and especially since one side affects all the other sides and the weak link in the system will ultimately affect all the system.
There are plenty of diets and plenty of ways to train, the hardest part is starting from somewhere and constantly searching for the best solution suitable to you. Finding that requires a lot of work also. We are willing to guide you in this process, cost-free, but the work part is yours.
We will tell you what to change in your diet to gain or lose weight because this is a matter of eating, much more than of doing sports. You do sport for your general health, to feel better, to boost your immunity, to activate your organism.
We teach you to sleep better, to get more rest, and disconnect from the daily stress, but also here it’s a lot of work to do from your side, books and studies to read, long podcasts with neuroscientists and biologists to watch, and much more.
With the Fit Badgers, we treat the cause...
….the modern society is treating the symptoms.
This comes hand in hand with prevention. Prevent your body to degrade and you will meet your real body and its potential. See your brain transforming into a super sharp computer as your body will become stronger. The brain dwells in the body and it follows your body very close, as your body degrades your brain functions will degrade after a while. Build a strong and harmonious body, and the brain will be very happy to live inside that and will reward you with a very strong mindset, confidence, and good vibes.
We consider that comfort is the main demon, and we try to get you out of your comfort zone. The primitive homo-sapiens was always ready, always sharp, and ready to do gladiator like activities and comfort was something that he was rarely getting. We also consider that the small and constant steps are much more effective than just training hard for a period and then stopping. We won’t train you for summer, to look better on the beach. We won’t train you for a wedding or an event. We will train you forever and we don’t want you to stop until the end. Every time you will conquer a mountain, you will have new mountains to climb, multiple paths ascending and only one descending. We want you to finish your life ascending and to never descend after the first climbed mountain. You will become an example for those around you, and your work will do good. You will also help others by influencing them in a good way, and this is the most important thing that we want to achieve.
Starting to train will be a shock for the body and we will guide you safely thru that. Your body will protest because our body looks for comfort. The first months of training are the hardest, and the stats say that the majority quits in these first months, probably because they think they can’t. It’s hard and it needs time and dedication to see the results. It’s not easy, but what project is easy? Every project has parts and micro goals. Every project also has some failures but failing is good because it teaches us to do it better next time. So don’t expect it to be easy, it’s not easy at all, but start, fight, and don’t stop, because you are not alone.
When starting to train you must do a few checks:
check your body posture because bad posture may affect you in your evolution. A bad posture for your legs may lead to injuries when running and a bad posture of your back may lead to injuries during force training;
chose the basic physical exercises at first, don’t jump to the more complicated ones and don’t rush to directly use weights. Don’t get confused by the multitude of influencers out there that are performing complicated moves and kinds of fitness. Stick to the basic stuff for the beginning and for a lot of time after because setting a habit it’s much more important. Use your body weight, you can do enough with that weight for at least a year, it’s more important to do exercises constantly, to make them become a routine;
be sure to integrate cardio, start with short runs, or bike. Use the park as often as possible, but the gym may be a solution for some in the cold season. At least one cardio training per week is mandatory;
when training begin to feel easy, make your training hard again by moving to the next level;
check your sleep, you should allow yourself at least 9 hours in bed and sleep at least 7 to 8 hours;
check what and how you eat and start doing corrective steps in this direction also, eat healthy, less processed foods and set hours for your meals;
check your vices because your vices are like a handbrake. The vices will affect your sleep, the way you eat, and the way you feel during sports. I want to include here the time you spend on your phone and especially if you do a lot of irrelevant activities on your phone or computer. The second one is the sugar. The other ones are cigarettes, alcohol, or the other drugs.
Our perspective is holistic
You need to see the links between the activities in your life, because everything is connected, just like in nature. So, if you don’t know where to start, write to us, we will put you some questions back and we will provide you with a plan to start acting. We will guide you on this trip.
Don’t forget that a better world comes with better individuals, and we become better individuals by always doing more and always challenging ourselves to become better. Looking inside rather than at the others. Working hard will change your mind and you will see that by suffering and not giving up in the hardest moments the bad habits will begin to shake and fall, ultimately. We can be there to support you to not give up and to keep on working out and sustain your healthy habits.
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More Discipline.
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